If you know our 6 year old at all, you know he likes to WRESTLE! Finally, we were able to find our local high school wrestling team who doesn't require Sunday competition. Jake goes to practice twice a week with an occasional meet.
Saturday was his VERY first, real life wrestling competition. We sat close by yelling his name with all of the excitement and positive affirmations possible.
During each of his battles, I was able to yell and clap for my little wrestler and he was able to turn his head toward my familiar voice as his 48 pound body was being thrashed by another 48 pound boy and he made direct eye contact with his mother. I smiled and cheered. He then sensed my excitement and tried even harder to unravel his body from his opponent.
What a fun day.
And even better...he got a medal.
On the way out of the tournament, Will asked Jake,
"so Jake, did you get your medal because you were good at wrestling, or did everybody get one?"
Jake responded, "Uhhh, I think everybody got one."
But he didn't mind.He was sure it was made out of platinum. A metal worth more than gold.
And that was all that mattered.