We were just sitting there in my living room. My neighbor and I. We talked and chatted as our children played in the other room. Our conversation turned to my religion: Mormonism. I told her she could ask me any quetions that she wanted. In fact, I love to be asked questions. It cracks me up to hear what people think about our "crazy" ideas. We laughed and had a good time. And then she said something that I hope that I will never forget. I was telling her that James and I had never tasted alcohol, never tried a cigarette. And craziest of all, neither one of us had sex before marriage. Her jaw dropped. She sat there speechless. She questioned, "Are you serious?" I nodded. Her response, " That...that, that's...like a Fairytale." I sat there stunned as well. Why is it that sometimes it takes experiences like these to bring to our knowledge how blessed we are? Yes, I guess my marriage is like a Fairytale. Our Fairytale. And yes, James is one of my greatest blessings that all to often I seem to take for granted. So I guess all that I have to say is this: Thank you James. Thank you for making all of my dreams come true. I love you.
great post. I think sometimes we forget what blessings from the gospel that we have in our life. I love the pictures. You and James totally have a fairy tale!
What a great reminder. It's so true that we forget how blessed we are and how "peculiar" we appear to others.
Naomi is only four months--what are you thinking giving her a cupcake betfore smashed bananas. I hope your husband spanks you for that. It is a great bloghowever, and we are truly blessed with many fairy tales of faith and hope. I love you all. Mom
Jess, Love the cupcake!!! Will we be seeing you out here anytime soon?? love, Omer
Jess, I love your posts! I always knew you were a funny gal but these are down right witty. Oh, and you look hot, hot, hot in the pink LOVE picture.
Love that big leg o' chicken in james' mouth.
we ARE lucky aren't we...and a RARE people! LOVE that you pointed that out.
The apps are in. We're hoping West Coast...anywhere that'll take us. The waiting game begins...
OH my heck it was so good to hear from you. Your baby girl is darling I LOVE THE HEADBANDS on her head so adorable. I always have stuff on Ashlynns head its so fun.
I love the fairytail story so sweet sounds like life is treating ya pretty great. Keep in touch and have a great day!
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