William has been driving me crazy...and making me laugh. How do kids do those two things so well together?
I took the kids to Toys'R'Us a couple weeks ago to check out the toys they want for Christmas. Of course, the boys went straight to the lego aisle. After three minutes, Naomi got bored and started meandering to other sections. Jake followed. We quickly found the train table and the two kids started playing excitedly with the trains. William wouldn't leave the lego aisle. He was just around the corner and I kept checking on him intermittently. There he was. Standing between two full aisle of the world's greatest toy creation. A whole beautiful row in front of his eyes, and a second row behind his back. A six year old boy wonderland. I peeked on him once again.
"How are you doing, mister?" I asked.
His eyes didn't leave the plastic pieces of childhood bliss.
"I'm just living the dream."
Indeed you are my young boy.
Again he stood in the lego aisle. He ran out to me with a huge grin on his face. "Mom, mom, I think I am going to accomplish a goal today."
"What's your goal?"
"In my journal at school I made a goal to make a new friend."
"That's great, bug. You can do it."
The timing was impeccable. A short minute later, an uncombed blonde boy with his uncombed father made their way into the lego aisle with my 6 year old. I watched from the side.
My shy baby stared at the other boy as he accessed his goal.
"Do you want to look at legos with me?"
the boy didn't answer.
William didn't give up.
a little louder.
"do you want to look at legos with me?" William asked again.
the dad smiled. He pushed his boy over to William and encouraged him to go.
I heard William explaining the legos that he wanted. The boy was unsure.
A few minutes later the boys mother came and dragged him away.
William grinned at me.
"I can't believe I actually did it! I achieved my goal!"
"You sure did, bugaboo!"
"Jake, Jake, I did a goal! I made a new friend. Oh...it feels so good to make a goal. I feel so good."
Way to go, William!
What a BIG month for a BIG kid.