I don't know about you, but we have caught the Christmas bug. Yesterday I found these jammies that I bought last year after the season. The kids were so excited. James and I have matching ones too!
During brag time last night Naomi went up to stand by William when it was William's turn becasue apparently she wanted it to be her turn (such a female) and then Jake followed her up there. They looked so cute I had to grab a picture.
First, love your costumes this year! No spiderman...what? Naomi is a doll as a pumpkin...
William must be just like his momma, because I could actually see you invite some homeless peeps come on over! What a GOOD kid!
I love "brag time", whatever that is. Great tradition.
Oh, and I especially love footed jammies. Even in my size. Mmm...might go get some on.
William's face is priceless in the jammie pic.
You going to UT for Thanksgiving? We are, but not Christmas? Will our paths cross.
HOpe so. XOXO> boyer
Matt and I were thinking about you guys the other day, just wondering how everything is going. I love how in the picture you can see the Christmas jammies and the jack-o-latern. Classic. Mattson is still obsessed with Spiderman, thankyou for that. Mattson saw a picture of Jakey and kept going on about how grown up he is. Hope you are doing well! I am glad we have the blog to keep in touch with.
That poster is classic! I want to see it live, so hold onto it for a month. I will share the dog story, but I am afraid of how negative it is going to be. I was sick of thinking about it...that's why I didn't tell you. PEOPLE!!!
Oh the jammie are priceless. I can't wait to see you and James in yours. I just set out my Thanksgiving decorations--and you are on to the next. I just put Halloween away tonight and Geoff gave me that look.
Tell William that some poor and homeless prople are coming to his house and we expect to be fed. Love, Mom
First, I love the sign. That is so tender. Second, I love the jammies. We have the exact same ones and have been wearing them for a week. Third, when did you get so skinny? (you look great!)
We have the same bug! I put my tree up this week. I couldn't wait. Love the kids in their cute jammies. They are getting so big!
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