1. She was the toughest kid on the sledding hill. She got knocked over head first, did a somersault and stood up with her hands in the air...as if she had just completed in the Olympics.
2. I sat and played Barbies with her today and caught myself dressing barbie as cheerleading barbie and moved her arms as I chanted my old high school cheers. "E, pump it up, pump it up, H S, come one, come on let's cheer and shout what else what else we're the best!" She loved it.
3. She LOVES going shopping with me. We love looking for bargains together and she will even let me know what clothes I may or may not purchase for her.
4. She loves princesses. And she loves being tough. It is the BEST! She rarely cries when she gets hurt...only when she gets her feelings hurt. She loves pink, and then turns around to take on her brothers in a wrestling match. Today she ran into her dad shouting, "Wrestle me daddy, wrestle me." Only to be followed by a showing of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
5. When I laid down to put her to sleep tonight, I ran my hands through her thin, blonde hair as she vanished into dreamland. I couldn't help but feel complete excitement and wonder. Just hoping, waiting...for my best little friend to grow up.
what a cutie! little girls are the best! missed you guys this holiday!
I love my Naomi too. I hope you can play soccer just as well as your mom. She ROCKED!!!
Hi Jess. I've thought the same thing about my girls--just wondering what they'll be like when they get bigger and if they'll still think I'm cool when they're older. I enjoyed your post.
She is so stinking adorable, I love her too!! That first picture is my FAVORITE!!! We have so got to do bagels one of these days, I miss you!!
She is absolutely adorable! She reminds me so much of Jane...I think they would be good friends....
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