Friday, November 16, 2012

4 (fOuR) ForDs

I walked into the boys room and I saw Jake struggling to hang all of his clothes on hangers. He proceeded to climb up on his step stool and reach to put the clothes on his high closet bar.WHat are you doing, I asked."Oh," he replied, "I'm just trying to make your life easier."

Last night the kids were in the basement playing legos. Jake and Naomi were in the middle of a huge trade. (they switch each other pieces for what they need to create their one of a kind something)
Will could not stand idly by. I heard him say,
"Jake, that is a horrible trade. It is horrible. You're acting just like China with the United States."

Luke, is well, a three month old! He is the best smiler ever. We love you, baby Luke.
Will always gets mad at me when Luke starts to cry. He either says, "mom...feed him, quick." or he'll say, "mom, you just need to tell him how wonderful he is. hurry mom. just tell him that he's the best baby in the world." Your family loves you, baby Luke.

I went to pick up Naomi from preschool the other day and the teacher stopped me. She said, "I mean this as the highest compliment. I really do. Naomi sure marches to the beat of her own drum, doesn't she?"
Enough said.
And I couldn't love them any more. Thanks 4 Fords.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Halloween 2012