Thursday, March 19, 2009

Smooch is 4

On March 18, 2009 our Jake turned 4! Anyone guess the theme of his birthday party? Yep. Spiderman.

We invited some of our neighbors and a few freinds from preschool over to celebrate with him. He had a web slinging birthday cake

Our 4 year old with his daddy.

Our 4 year old with his mommy

Our 4 year old with his new ocean life animals.
Unfortunantley, the turtles flippers popped of easily and I thought that they were the perfect choking hazard for his adorable little sister. Suffuce it to say, he now owns a flipperless sea turtle.

Last but not least,
daddy rode in on his biggest birthday present ever!
"Green! My favorite color!"
We love you smooch ma gooch. Today I asked him to buckle his seat best all by himself. He can do it very well if he's in the mood. His response. "I'm still just a little kid. You have to do it for me."
"Jacob, you are 4 years old now. You are a big kid. I know you can do it all by yourself."
"No, mom. Four is still a little kid. Five is a big kid. I'm still just a little kid."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love reading your posts and missed you for a while in the blogging world. Did you hear the Smedley's are moving to Akron!! I was so excited for you when I heard that. Isn't it crazy that our kids are getting so old? I cannot believe all your kiddos... they all look so big. I would have bawled when William said that about school. I almost bawled thinking about it because I am turning Javien's kindergarten stuff in tomorrow... UGH!! I am so sad!! I MISS YOU SO MUCH and can't wait to go to Time out for women again next year... right?? Love you!