Saturday, July 11, 2009


In May, Grandma Cheryl and Grandpa Clyde came out to visit us. I just got the pictures and I am so excited to finally post them to our family memories.

Grandma brought new swimsuits and swim shirts for the boys. THey LOVE them.

Getting down and dirty in the backyard with Grnadma and Grandpa. Naomi is running for her life.

Grandma got to go with me to Jake's pre-school Mother's Day program. The "performance" which consisted of one very short song was worth the whole trip. Right, Grandma?

My Mother's Day present from Smooch. I LOVE it.

They got to watch William play in a soccer game. Not a huge hit with our 6 year old, but I am praying that one of my kids will share the love with me someday.

Grandma Cheryl and Naomi worked EXTREMELY hard in the yard. Grandma stocked up our flower supply, taught me a few tricks, and now our garden is doing Great! Thanks Grandma Cheryl.

We also got to see William's Mother's Day program. This "performance" was an hour full of year-long practiced song and dance, intermitted with each child having a speaking part, and a puppet show. WoW! Now THAT was worth it!

My Six year old loves me. Can't you tell?

Well, at least he loves Grandma.


lbb said...

Looks so fun, Jess! I'm glad they got to come see your boys. Can Grandma Cheryl teach me a thing or two about gardening? I'm hopeless.
Oh, I WILL be in SLC in Aug. Long story, but let' convene fo-sho!!!! party time being 9 mos. prego!
lov you. boyer

Orme Family said...

Can't wait to see you soon!!! I loved the "Pick your battles." I think that same things everyday! Today I am walking down the aisle of Walmart with Maddie hanging on the front of the cart and all of a sudden I notice this long stream of liquid going down the aisle. First day of serious potty training. Hmmm. I just kept walking as if I had no idea what it was. It's Walmart, what do you expect.

Natalie said...

Ok, first of all you are looking HOT!! Are you some sort of abercrombie mom model? Seriously HOT!! I love the pic of you and Jake with the Mother's Day present. So precious!!

The Aamodt Family said...

So cute!! I love the school programs they are the best!! I wish we were closer so we could watch your kids grow up....good thing for blogs! We love you and miss you!! Cute pictures of you!!!