He is VERY recently into soccer. He has told both my mom and my dad that I have "gotten worse" at soccer because he can 'actually beat me."
He made a fort outside for us on his birthday so we could just be together as a family. I love this kid.

He is TOTALLY into snakes. At one point during the present planning process that took about a month, his only wish for a birthday present was for his mom to like snakes enough to let him get one.
Unfortunately, it's not so much the snakes that freak me out, it's me having to feed the snakes mice. Really, really. He pinky promises that he will feed the snake. Yeah, right. Who feeds the gecko, Mooch?

He got a green velcro wallet for his birthday. Among his favorite gifts. Last night in bed he was thumbing his wallet admiringly. He held it between his hands. He played with it in his hands. He had the look on his face as if he were finally a man. A grown man. He then got this enormous grin and looked up at me with his gorgeous brown eyes.
"Guess what I'm getting for my next birthday, mom?"