Saturday, March 28, 2009

Daddy's 33

James "cake" was a piece of PLAIN cheesecake and a piece of Boston Crean Pie. So, the story on the cheesecake. On our honeymoon, I made James take me to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner. It was delightful. Until it was time for dessert. We got in a fight. James wanted a piece of PLAIN cheesecake. I refused to let him. I told him that if we were going to spend $4 on a piece of cheesecake, we needed to at least get Snickers or something else in it. He treid to plead his case. I refused to listen. We left mad...and with no desert.
So, almost eight years of marriage later, I have grown to respect his decision for PLAIN cheesecake. The funniest part. When I went to this deli to buy these deserts, they actually had a choice between PLAIN cheesecake and Snickers cheesecake. I laughed. I figured that I was getting James a piece of Boston Cream Pie anyway, so maybe a should get a piece of Snicker's cheesecake. I actually didn't even decide to get the PLAIN cheesecake until the VERY LAST second. I figured, "hey, it's HIS birthday. He can have the PLAIN."
I love you James! Thanks for putting up with me all of these years. You are a good man. A really good man.

Sometimes I treat James as if he is one of my children. I stayed up late Wednesday night to make him cupcakes to take into work. I could tell he was a little embarassed to walk into the hospital, being the lowest man on the totem pole, with two paper plates with green and yellow flowers bordering the edges holding an assortment of chocolate cupcakes with various colors of sprinkles covering the tops. I sent him out the door with a special birthday kiss and two plates of saran wrapped treats.
He must love me...
I think James' favorite present of the day, was the one that wasn't planned. Like almost all memorable memories. James was putting the boys to bed and we were wishing daddy a last happy birthday. To his surprise, William spoke up. "Daddy, you're better than geography." (William's current obsession) Jake was close behind. "Daddy, you're better than Spiderman."
The truth revealed. I would have to add. "Honey, you're better than my
Toyota Sienna Mini Van." Between you, our kids and my mini-van, all of my dreams have come true. We love you Daddy.


Natalie said...

How sweet! I know that Blink-182 song says nobody likes you when you're 23, but as far as 33 goes, I think James is in the clear! I loved your story about cheesecake. I was driving around Denver the other day and saw a Jason's Deli and went crazy because I haven't had all you can eat soft serve ice cream forever and it made me think of you!

Sarah C said...

Happy Birthday James! The cheesecake story is funny. I am sure he loved his birthday treat.

lynnette orme said...

...and we love you too. Thanks for loving our daughter--you are a good man, a really good man and we are glad that you are a part of our family. Whenever I see PLAIN cheesecake, I;ll think of you. Can't wait to see you. Nettie

The Allred Family said...

Happy B-day James! Wish we were there to celebrate. Jess, they matched the price at Walmart! Made my day!

allison said...

Happy Birthday James! I love plain cheesecake infact I make it every year for my own birthday.

Sarah Hastings said...

Happy Birthday James!! Glad he enjoyed is PLAIN cheesecake, although I think I would have to side with Jessie and go for snickers!