William has had a couple of hard life lessons the last couple of days. First, I was so proud of myself for getting up and completely cleaning out the fish and gecko cages. I mean...serious clean. Unfortunately, I made King's tank (the beta fish) a bit too hot and he was dead within minutes of being released back into his sparkling clean cage. I felt horrible. William was sobbing. He went into my room, kneeled down and prayed for Heavenly Father to bring him back to life. He stuck the fish in a bowl of cool water but nothing happened. My heart broke when he said, "maybe King died because I didn't repent of all of my sins." I about died. I told him that it was completely my fault and I was so, so sorry. I held him in my arms as he cried and through his tears he muttered, "It's O.K. mom. Everyone makes mistakes."
Last night he cracked me up. He said that sometimes reading the scriptures is the "most boring thing ever". I agreed with him and told him that even though it really is boring sometimes, we still do it because Heavenly Father asked us to. Than he responded,
"Did He say anything about following along?"