Thursday, August 25, 2011

Two Coke Day

Jake wrapped up in his blanket waiting for the snake we let go back into its' natural habitat to come back. He just knows he's coming back home. He just knows it.

The kids crowding around the Caterpillar to Butterfly kit I bought them. They loved it. In fact, the caterpillars are now in their chrysalis stage. Yeah!

It was a two coke day on Monday. Actually, it's been a two coke week. Actually...let's be honest. It's been a two coke Summer. If you know me, you know I only have one Coke a day. It's my vice. A great vice. I am actually staring at my Coke on the Rocks right this second. I think I'll have a sip.

So, Monday. Visiting Teaching. My kids aren't in school quite yet. Let's just say, Denver has officially met the Ford's.
Our first visit was especially tough since the husband was upstairs asleep recovering from a night shift. My kids were running through the house. Coming in and out of doors. You can only say "Stop that, be quiet" so many times to the Ford kids. The icing on the cake was when my daughter started ringing the doorbell...a lot. I left.

The next house. The cute girl just kept saying, "Wow, your kids sure have a lot of energy." That was an understatement. The icing on the cake at that house was not that her baby woke up 10 minutes after our arrival, oh no, that would have been too predictable. It was when Jake ran through their front screen door and knocked the whole thing to the ground.

So I say, Denver: Meet the Ford's.
The Ford's: Welcome to Denver. I hope you make it.

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