It has been a long, very long Summer around these parts. The boys are going to a brand new charter school that just so happened to not be built in time for the start of school. We enjoyed a few more weeks. Honestly, we have spent most of our time playing in our front yard...doing activities such as these...
We are OBSESSED with making money at our house. We have had several garage sales with our very own clothes (that Jake said didn't fit in his drawer anymore...yeah, right) and of course we made this beautiful jewelry and miniature paper action figures.
We started out stringing Penne pasta onto strands of red curling ribbon and headed out to spray paint it. Did I mention that it has been a looooong Summer?
We sat out there from 10-6. Pretty much all day. I even brought their lunch out to them. By 6:00...no profit. The kids were devastated. Apparently no one wanted to pay $5.00 for a fruit loop and penne pasta patterned necklace.
Dad drove in at 6:00. Just in time to close up shop. He searched frantically for quarters in his car. Perfect. He found $2.00. William settled on selling him a plain pasta necklace for a dollar. James couldn't afford the fruit loo, pasta combo. He actually couldn't afford the plain penne either, but James taught William how to barter.
Jake, on the other hand...was a harder egg to crack. Apparently he didn't have any jewelry only worth only a dollar. All of his goods were worth at LEAST two dollars. James, tried as he may, tried to tell Jake he could either sell him a necklace for ONE dollar, or not make any money at all that day. Jake thought. He decided. His jewelry was worth way more than a dollar. He closed shop empty handed. He turned James; dolar down cold handed. We both laughed. That's our Mooch. The most strong-willed, never yielding child I have ever met. Even if it means he goes broke.
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