Saturday, April 13, 2013

Define: FUN

ORME Style
17 grandkids under the age of 12
12 adults
1 "Mansion"
1 swimming pool
2 hot tubs
1 tennis court
1 basketball court
1 playground with a playhouse
6 nights St.George

Easter Morning. The best was Sam. He was explaining to the kids where the Easter Bunny hid the eggs. Except instead of Easter Bunny he inserted, "Chuck." Confusing to a bunch of kids. Luckily the older ones already knew that "Chuck" and the other dads were the Easter bunnies and the little kids it pretty much went right over their heads...phewww.

Joey and James with our babies who are three weeks apart. Couldn't get enough of these two together!Who's Who? hmmmm. Luke and Emily
Serious Water gun fights in the pool. Good thing Joey had his life vest on. The 5 foot pool may have done him in

 Sand Dunes....yes. Just like my own childhood...revisited. Loved it. Will and Josh

Naomi and Maddie

Thanks to the Utah Orme's, we all learned how to play roller hockey. I couldn't be happier. The kids and I all went on a roller blade walk tonight while taking turns pushing the stroller. I was in Heaven. I love roller blading.

Ne Ne and Annie Kate

Red Rocks! The opposite of a lazy Disneyland for kids. They were in Heaven

Sam getting ready to pull James in...
Thanks mom and dad! April 2013 was a success!

1 comment:

Christine Fotheringham said...

Looks so fun Bird! Wish I could tag along. :) I just love your awesome family. Thanks for squeezing in a dinner while you were here.