Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The EVE of Christmas EVE

James was not going to be home with us this year on Christmas Eve. In fact, I am praying that he gets home in the morning before the party begins. In leau of not having James, we decided to celebrate Christmas Eve last night.

A long tradition in the Orme home, we had all available children dress up in characters from the bible. We decided that if we are going to keep celebrating Christmas away from extended family, we need to have more kids to complete the nativity.

This is an action shot. James is reading from the bible, and William is trying to get Naomi to say her line. "behold, a baby is born." She never said it.

Our mantle.

Here we have Joseph, an angel and a wise man. I thought that Scout could be baby Jesus, but there would be no "babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger" this year. She would not comply. If she could talk, she would have said, "mom...that was so six months ago." All in all, one successful nativity for 2008.


Sarah Hastings said...

I am so impressed with your costumes for the nativity! We only had towels to wrap around ourselves but you kids really look the part!! Hope James made it home for the fun today!

Jennilyn said...

That is the cutest picture of all your kids under the stockings! Hope you had a Merry Christmas!

Elise said...

I love your nativity pictures. That is one of my FAVORITE family traditions. They look so cute trying to make Naomi say her line. Hope James was able to make it home for Christmas!