Scout's First Oreo
Three sleepy boys on the Story Chair
These are my confessions for the month
1. The boys didn't have any clean underwear. I had already told myself that I was never going to do another load of laundry in my life. I sorted through the hamper and found two pair that seemed to be decent. I told them they were clean.
2. I must say wierd things when I am upset with my children. As we were walking home from school today, Will and I kept yelling at Jakey to follow us. He was playing in the mud puddles. William yelled across the playground in a very upset, angry tone, "Jakey...I am losing my patience with you."
3. Apparently Naomi doesn't like me. The boys rub it in my face every day that the only thing she knows how to say is, "da da."
4. Did you know that I am the "meanest, rudest, not fairest mom in the whole world?"
5. I bought the kids a wooden castle for Christmas and paid $60. It started coming apart. I cleaned it up and took it back to T.J. Maxx. They hesitantly took it back with the few snarls and bad looks thrown in. I then drove to a different T.J. Maxx and found another one on Clearance for $20. I bought myself a new winter coat with my earnings.
I think I will try to post some confessions regurally. It helps to keep me honest.
I love the "confessions"! It makes me see that there are other "real" moms out there. I was starting to think every other mom out there is "perfect" and I'm the only one who isn't. Loved it! Thanks!!!
oh don't we all have these confessions. the TJmax one takes the cake though! hilarious!
i have confessions about things i think/say to my kids that i don't think i could verbalize....
love your bones.
I hate laundry. I have tried everything- doing it all one day, doing each persons a specific day of the week, doing one load a day. Nothing works. I am always behind and just when I finish folding the last load the hampers are full again. We were going to institute a naked day just so I would have one day that there was no laundry, but that seemed too impractical- I walk Spencer to school. SO I liked the "unders" story a lot!
This is a great post! I often hear my words coming out of Drew's mouth...oh my! Hope all is well with the Fords!
That is so funny. You are a great mom. Cute picture of the first oreo.
Oh Jess, Yes I have been told some of those things before from my little ones...Happy day! love you, Omer
those are great confessions but I think I have to disagree with you on the meanest mom...because I am Savannah even said in her prayer tonight "please bless my mom won't yell at me anymore."
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