Josh and Maddie and Ty came to visit us last weekend. How we LOVE our cousins. Jake and Maddie= best friends. Josh and Will talk super heros as well as mature adult conversation. Naomi and Ty poke each others eyes out and grab each other's hair. Nothing better than COUSINS!
I love my 4 year old. I just came down from putting him to hour later...the second time. The first time I descended the stair case after kssing the boys goodnight, it was only moments later when I heard Jake groaning and whimpering. I ran upstairs to see what was the matter. "My nose hurts." I responded sympathetic. "Oh my goodness. What shall we do? I am so sorry." His turn to respond. "I know," he happily chirped. "I need the drink that will make it feel better."
"Oh, what's that Jacob?"
I started laughing. "Jake, Coke doesn't help with hurt noses."
"But Willey said that you gave him Coke when he was sick."
"Honey, Coke sometimes helps if you have a headache, but not a hurt nose."
"Oh...he said. My head hurts now."
"Jake, stop it. Your head does not hurt and neither does your nose."
"Yes, my head hurts really bad."
"Jake, stop."
"Mom, when you eat a lot of food sometimes you get a headache. I ate a lot of food. I have a headache. I need a Coke."
He never got his Coke. But he is still not asleep. I can't wait to see what hurts next. He should be down any minute.
Oh, how I love this kid.
O.K. It's been three minutes since I last wrote. I knew it. A little voice just called down the stairs. "Mommy, I have a headache."
"Jakey, you do not have a headache. Go to bed!"
"Yes I do mom, I JUST got it."
I'll be right back...I have to attend to an ailing 4 year old...