Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Many years ago, long before I was married, I was in love with the idea of having ALL boys. Happily, I had my first son six years ago. Followed by a second two years later. I was in heaven. At least until I had to stop going to playgroup because my boys aggression would always have me on the defensive side of parenting. My self esttem shriveled as I felt as if I couldn't control my two crazy toddlers. By this time, I thought a baby girl sounded really good. I had her one year ago.
She is just as stubborn as her brothers. She eats dirt just like her brothers. She pulls my hair if I put her in her car seat just like her brothers. She steals toys from other toddlers just like her brothers.
Luckily, I get to dress her. And I am hoping, one day, she will change my diapers while I live in her spare bedroom and possibly don't even remember her name. These are the two main reasons I wanted a daughter. So...she isn't much different than her brothers. I am glad. She has spunk...and love. My two favorite characteristics I love in my children. My daughter didn't let me down!


James and Jessica Ford said...

She has spunk, love and one sweeeeeeeeet pair of "whereinthecruddidthosecomefrom" pants,

Your loving and supportive eternal companion.

Berkley, Meredith, Tanner & Avery said...

Let me guess... are those pants from Nettie? These pictures are adorable! I hope we can connect in UT one of these days! Love you.

The Johnson Family said...

I laughed out loud when I read the part of "changing my diapers and living in the spare bedroom and not remembering her name..." hilarious. You should write for a newspaper or something--YOU are an amazing writer AND an amazing mother. Thanks for making me feel "normal." I miss you.


P.S. When are you going to Utah. We will be there June 29-July 12th. Can you take some baptism pictures of Grace if you are there then? xoxoxo

The WALL Street Times said...

I love the outfit. She is such a beautiful little girl. I can't wait to see her. Maybe, I'll have to buy a few outfits to help dress her in since my boys won't wear bows. I love you all.