Two little ones teaching each other the practicalities of science

You know how each of your kids has this ONE thing that you just LOVE? I guess one of the things you have to do as a mother is to find a trait that you LOVE about each of your children at EACH stage of their life. keep you sane. Right now, Jakes is HUGS.
You know how each of your kids has this ONE thing that you just LOVE? I guess one of the things you have to do as a mother is to find a trait that you LOVE about each of your children at EACH stage of their life. keep you sane. Right now, Jakes is HUGS.
Let's just say, I can't get enough. I am obsessed. Addicted.
To my 4 year old's hugs.
They are the Best.
It's like this. He's pretty he's pretty light too.
When he gives me "this" hug, he kindof does this jump thing.
He gets wayyyy up high around my neck and starts kindof shaking. Grinning.
he likes it as much as I do. We are both grinning.
here's the wierd thing.
To get these hugs, Jake doesn't have to do anything, really. he just exists and I hug him.
This is how bad it's become. Anytime jake says something remotely exciting, i smile and reach out my arms. He smiles and does his little jump thing right up around my neck. We both grin. it's just our thing.
I realized this last night.
Jake came to me at bedtime and with a smile he said," "I chose I book I have never picked before."
Perfect time.
"Oh my goodness. That's awesome. Give me a hug."
Hugs have also resulted from everyday not so important events that we find a way to make important.
"I want peanut butter and jelly for lunch". HUG
"Look what I made with my legos." HUG
"Did you have fun at preschool?" HUG
"Look what I did?" HUG
"I drank my whole glass of milk." HUG
"Let's go take a bath." HUG
Can I have a snack?" HUG
"What time is it?" HUG
Get the point? I'm addicted.
Thanks Mooch.
Can I have a hug?
I think I'll go get one.......
Wait....weren't we just there like 4 hours ago? I cannot believe that you already have a blog post about. You are definitely a super blogger and you are without a doubt a super mom! Thanks for your example!
Sorry, there is supposed to be an "it" after about. Hannah was crawling all over me while I was typing. :)
Okay so it's a good thing you let your kids play in the balls first thing. When we went in there after lunch, some kid had peed in the ball pit so it was closed for cleaning. They had to clean each and every ball. :)
Ha, that is funny and gross about the ball pit. I am glad you all had fun there and jessie as always your an awesome mom. I am just so bummed and sorry we couldn't make it. Instead I was enjoying a crazy weekend with my mother and brother in town for a funeral....well ok, I am exaggerating big time with the "enjoying part"
I love it!! Cam is just starting to give a good hug. Hugs from little ones are seriously the best thing ever!!
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