Thursday, July 1, 2010

Kids and Irony

We're back from vacation...and back to life.
The Good Life
I had to get a blood draw this morning.
I almost passed out.
Just call me weak. It's ALL mental. But I can't help it. I try, I promise.
I get home a little shaky.
I take all three kids plus a neighbor to the library for "The Bubble Lady."
She was great.
At least the part I saw.
Naomi was screaming and whining so I had to leave the room.
I left my boys sitting quietly to dismiss myself and toddler.
I come back a few minutes after threatening my 2 year old and see Jake walking aimlessly around the room.
I whisper his name loudly.
(whisper, loudly...I am actually pretty good at the two oxymorons put together)
Another mother whispered loudly to me that he kept reaching his arm over the "blue line" and the library lady asked him to find a new seat. Seriously?
The librarian's name is Joyce. Oh, blessed Joyce.
I have to leave again because now Naomi is really causing a raucous. I go to find some books on CD for my boys to listen to. Naomi can now be heard throughout the little library.
I walk towards the checkout counter and see two librarians glare at each other as I make my way toward them.
You would think I wouldn't be bothered by obnoxious glares since I see them so often...
but I was
I checked out the books with a two year old screaming, hitting and yelling at me in classic 2 year old jibberish.
I guess that's the way to do it.
With a screaming baby, she didn't even remind me of the $7.50 I owe for the overdue baby signs dvd that I have been chipping away at steadily for a few months now.
So with Jake and Naomi showing an absurd amount of will lately, I struggle to get the kids in bed. I open the scriptures with a little bit of frustration in my voice. We start reading. I completely randomly had Jake read two different scriptures in 2 Nephi 20. First he read verse 4, ""And I did it because I knew that thou art obstinate..." I laughed. He still had tabasco sauce on his tongue from not listening, throwing something at me, etc...
Then I helped him read verse 20, "...say ye: The Lord hath redeemed his servant Jacob."
I think the Lord most certainly does have a sense of humor.
The tabasco sauce still fresh on his tongue because of his obstinance ...and ever after he will be redeemed.
And now I am off to bed...without my husband. I wish he were here. Oh, well.


lbb said...

Oh man Jess how I relate to so much...not the kids reading the scrips though. We're not that great.
I'm the same about blood drawing and we LOVE BOOKS ON CD! That's what got us thru this drive to Utah, I tell ya.
Oh that Naomi sounds fiesty. Can't wait for a girl....:)

Sarah Hastings said...

Nice, when we were at the library the other day the lady was checking us out and Lanaya was trying to pull books off the shelf so Anna literally wrestled her to the ground and put her in darn near to a head lock. Love it, I have never had my books checked out so fast!