This post is for anyone who has ever made a comment on my parenting...yeah, that's know who you are...
So I wake up yesterday morning and walk into the boys room. William is up reading.
The Book of Mormon.
We go to Jake's Speech lesson. William brings what?
Yeah, that's right. The Book of Mormon. He reads it patiently as he waits for Jake.
I walk in the boys room late at night when they are supposed to be asleep.
William is huddled close to the closet light. And what is he reading?
Uh huh. You're right.
The Book of Mormon.
Did I mention that it's his favorite book?
Captian Underpants is his 4th favorite.
Yep, that's right. His 4th!
Right behind the Book of Mormon, the Bible, Star Wars and than CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS.
What's your kids favorite book? Oh, really. wow. cool.
Oh, and what is your kid going to do when he grows up?
be Lebron James?
Not William.
He is going to be the richest guy in the world. And guess what?
He is taking his fortune to Haiti.
He says that when he grows up Haiti is going to be almost as rich as the U.S. Because of him.
Everyone will have food, a house, and legos. whoever has ever said anything bad about my bout those apples?
Boo Yeah!
p.s. due to the ability for someone to mis-read this post, if you are not laughing, you possibly don't know me well enough. I am laughing as I write this. Tongue in Cheek.
Who could possibly not laugh at your post? So funny. Way to go William on the BOM-- most impressive. You are hilarious.
You're great! I must say that is VERY impressive. are the best! Your kids are always going to remember the fun times they had with you.....just like we all do with your mom and dad!! I wish my kids liked to read the Book of is pure torture sometimes......creating memories, right? Love ya! Can't wait to hear about the Orme Vacation with all of you!!
It's probably his paternal influence. Actually, it's his great mom, no doubt. And, oh honey, it's boo-ya, not boo yeah. A guy says it on sportcenter. I'm so embarrassed.
I remember hearing you say, "I am just so scared that my kids are not going to get into the Celestial Kingdom." I guess you don't need to worry anymore. We love Will!
I am dying laughing!!! I have never doubted you, you are a good mom....
oh and lol...i was thinking the samething with the boo-ya thing, daniel and natilie say that all of the time ;)
I love you all!!! William I am proud of you and your parents.
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