I woke up to William groaning at 6:30 A.M. He immediately started dry heaving in his bed. I quickly ran to him just in time to see his stomach acid on the sheets. We ran to the bathroom where he continued throwing up. James lovingly tucked him in our bed and headed off to work. As I lay in bed with him, he asked if I could say a prayer so that he could feel better. His arms were already folded, so I took his little body in mine and offered a prayer on his behalf. We lay there again in silence, and after about 10 minutes William started crying. "Mom, it's not working." He hurried to the bathroom to throw up again. Sometimes I think his faith is stronger than mine...and I didn't want it to be crushed.
Here is William lying in bed with a cold washcloth. A trick my mom passed down to me. William always asks for this when his head hurt...just as I did.

By this point, Scout had woken up and joined us in bed. As she crawled all over William, he protested. "Mom, I don't like Scout crawling on me."

And of course, like expected, as I went downstairs to fetch some Gatorade, Jake was found in his Spidey suit, sitting on the couch, with two plates of frosted sugar cookies left over from Family Home Evening.
It was going to be a very good day.
Sick days are the worst! It is so awful for the little guys. Hope the rest of your day goes better!
Oh what fun sick kids are. Sorry. Hopefully you don't get it because a sick mom is worse!
Poor Willy. I hope he is feeling better now.
So is Naomi's new nickname Scout? Like Bug and Smooch? And is it supposed to be a reference to TKAM (my favorite book)? Because if it is a am a little jealous, but that's ok because still have Jem and Boo to work with.
How's stuff?
We hope Will is feeling better. Naomi is getting too big. I can't wait to hug her. I love you all.
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