1. When potty-training my now three year old, there were a number a days when I would clean up feces off the floor up to three to fours times a day. I think my record was going through a whole bottle of "Kids and Pets" in one week. That was the week when he actually stepped in it and walked through the whole house.
2. My neighbor in Iowa had a little boy who loved coming over to get action with the Ford boys. After a while, she started running in before her son could see what was going on. She hurriedly scoured through my whole house picking up all of the baseball bats. She would repeatedly tell me that with my boys, baseball bats are a real hazard.
3. I was at a McDonald's play land the other day. A mom walked in and we started talking. We realized that we had kids in preschool and kindergarten together. Then she noticed Jakey. She said, "Is he yours?" I responded positively. "You're Spidey's mom?" (note: He was not in his Spiderman costume this day. She recognized him from the playground) Everybody in Willaim's Elemenatary school knows Spidey. I think she was shocked that some kind of, even a little normal person would let their child out of the house like that. She seemed a little confused.
4. I went to a mid-week meeting at our Church. The cute young women were so excited to see me come and pick up my kids from the nursery. They told me that my boys found a chair, pushed it over to the window, and tried to escape.
5. My valentine from William this year said, "I love my mom because she gives me money when I'm good."
6. "Mom, why is Grandpa Geoff rich?" Me: "Becasue he went to school for a long time and works really hard."
"Well, my dad goes to school for a long time and works really hard and we're not rich."
7. I remember when Jakey started running into the street. I repeatedly told him to stop and he wouldn't. I went over to him, got down to his level, and very firmly told him that if he went into the street again, he would have to go inside. He finally understood. I walked back to my spot on the grass and sat down. My little boy slowly walked toward the street. I saw him look at me. He stepped onto the curb and looked at me again. He then continued to walk on the curb...as close to the street as he possibly could. I realized then that it was going to be a long rest of his life.
8. I sent William to time-out in the bathroom. Apparently, some people say to send them some place where there is nothing for them to do, like the bathroom. A few minutes later I heard a crash. I went in to see what had happened. William got bored and decided to try to lift the toilet cover off to see what was underneath. It was too heavy. It fell. And broke. Sweet. Thanks for the advice.
9. The first time they ever brought William to me in the hospital.
10. The first time they ever brought Jake to me in the hospital.
11. The first time they ever brought Naomi to me in the hospital.
12. The first time I lay in bed with each of my children and realized that my life would never be the same again. Never. Never. Never be the same.
12. The first time I lay in bed with each of my children and realized that my life would never be the same again. Never. Never. Never be the same.
13. And I wouldn't change a thing.
Sweet. We are in the potty training mode. Not fun. I'm having a harder time with getting in the groove than Kathryn. I always forget she needs to go and we have accidents or it is just too early to get up to have to her go in the bathroom in the morning! One day we'll get it figured out!
Great post. I love the pictures. Send them to me, please. Glad you are still glad you are a mommy. I don't have to worry. Just think--it gets better every day--it still is the best being a mommy. I'm glad I'm your mommy. Love, your mommy
I love reading about your days. You write so well. It is great to see you had so much fun with Grandma Cheryl. I love Will's comment about Grandpa Geoff. Classic. I have recently been discussing money with my kids. Anything over about $10.00 is out of my price range and they have to buy it themselves. It is great because Cole now wants a parrot. He found one for 7.99 so that is in the range but the cage sent it out of the range. YEAH!!!
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