I was reading a quote this past week that I have heard numerous times in many different ways. "There is no better feeling in the world than rocking a baby to sleep." So I continue to wonder. I have never come across a pediatrician who didn't tell me to let my baby cry itself to sleep. "It's better for you, and it's better for them." Hence, I am torn. Torn between an old truth and a new theory.
Do I really know it's better not to comfort my baby when she screams? "She's just manipulating you," one may say. That's fine. She's not the first and she won't be the last. I think about the quote. It's true. Naomi's bedtime is one of my favorite times of day. She's not a real snuggler. At bedtime, she is. We sit together in my rocking chair. The one I asked for when I was sixteen at Christmas. I sat in that rocker through my many years before I was married. I deamed of one day rocking my babies to sleep in it's sturdy, light wooden arms. My dream has come true. Three times. I sit in this same rocker each night with my baby. The 6:30 light is mostly covered from the window shades purchased for $6.99 at Lowe's. Still, some straggling light filters through the windows edge. We rock there together. A bottle of milk and her blankey. A time when she will lay her head on my shoulder. In return, I nestle my old, worn complexion against her thin, blonde youth. Peace.
Yes, I could let her cry herself to sleep. But why would I? One day she will be too old. One day I will only have my memories. I had better make them good.
Oh so true!! You rock her all you want....it goes by way to fast!
Sweet. I love how snuggly Mylee gets at bedtime too.
Hey Jessie, I found your blog through Mary and Dave's. Your family is adorable and they are all getting so big. I remember when William and Michael were just toddlers.
I say that if your baby sleeps then who cares how she fell asleep. They are only small for a little while. Enjoy her!
Crystal Pinegar
I do the same thing, I am a total sucker for a snuggly baby. I know that I might be making life harder for myself in the long run but I wouldn't give up this time for a million dollars. There will be plenty of time to let her cry it out when she is older, enjoy!
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