Today I was in charge of Sharing Time.
I teach William's class.
Each of the 7 kids in my class has a family member also in Primary.
I called each of the siblings up to stand by their brother/sister in my class to talk about how lucky we are that families are forever.
As I am bearing my testimony/teaching the lesson, Jake and William start beating each other up in front of the whole Primary.
Three teachers had to step in to pull them apart.
Families ARE forever.
Now to the picture above.
I stepped on the scale this week and realized that this long winter has gotten to my hips.
My weight was up.
My spirits down.
What is a girl to do?
I went to the store and bought three different flavors of ice cream.
We had a family Ice Cream party.
What else do you do? Cry?
Except, I only got one scoop.
The kids got three. Or four.
The scoops were in a pattern of flavors.
Of course.