Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Daddy called and said he was going to be late. I dressed the kids and we all went outside to shovel the snow. William and I were the only ones who lasted the whole time.

making Valentines for the grandparents. Hooray!

Just a few thoughts I have going on in my head right now...

last night while shoveling, William kept bugging me to come and help him make a snow fort. i kept telling him to be patient until i finished shoveling. he kept asking. i kept telling him "just a minute."
finally he says in an exasperated tone:
what? don't you have ANY time for me?"

and men wonder why we feel under-appreciated.

my grandpa is slowly passing away. i ache for him. i wish i lived closer...so badly. what would it be like to know you are dying? i hope, i really hope i don't know for a very, very, very long time. i love you, grandpa.

my parents sent us a valentine package. inside among other things, were three packs of gum. within minutes, i was picking, pulling and plunging this awful candy from my floors and carpets. i called my mom immediately and asked why in the world she would send gum to the home of an 18 month old. she laughed. oh, i am so glad they liked it. i just put another package in the mail. it has more gum.
i can't wait to be a grandma.

sometimes i wonder if my greatest sin is ingratitude. i think it is. i think i need to work on that.

sometimes i wonder what in the heck i am doing out here in akron, oh. it is freezing. i can't find anything to do with my children for FREE, and my husband is never home. i feel isolated in this little town with nothing but my kids.
and yet, oddly, i find myself feeling as if this is exactly where we need to be. oddly, my kids are everything i want. oddly, i'm grateful to be here in little akron, oh where it is cold, borderline depressing and sometimes incredibly lonely. there is a reason.
and they are all sleeping right upstairs.


JoshandJen said...

I think your blog is my favorite blog to look at, you have such an awesome way with words. I am sorry to hear about your grandpa! I don't think men will ever know why we feel so underappreciated...I feel the same way about Ohio that you do and I was born here, I usually get more like this in the winter, it is hard to be away from family....You are a great mom and wife, hang in there!

lbb said...

oh man! you said it! even though i love it here (sometimes), it is creepy how lonely i get and how i pinch myself all the time, "what the heck are we doing here?!". we may have SOME free stuff to do, but there's no one to go with. oh well. i'm sure getting to know my kids and one day i'll look back and treasure that i got to be with them SO much. even though sometimes i feel like i wanna k*ll them...
love your guts. your valentines are darling. you are the best mom in the world. can i be 1% of you? charlie says things like "you never have time for me" all the time. i don't even know how to respond...love you

Sarah C said...

I love your blog. You are amazing. I really appreciate all the things your write. It helps me get get through my life. You are an inspiration to me. I am sorry about your grandpa. I am sorry you are far from home. Being far from home is really hard. I understand being far from home. It is easy to feel depressed and lonely. You have a good outlook on life. Our children do bring us a lot of joy. Good luck with everything. I will keep you in my prayers.

Hayley said...

every time I go to your blog I think "why don't I look at her blog more?" :) I have had real similar thoughts only you said them better- way to go. After you told me how early you go to bed I started going to bed sooner... for the most part- and my life is happier now- so thanks.

Hayley said...

So much for going to bed early- your blog is so addicting I just spent the last HOUR reading it. Thanks for the stories Jessie- Love your family, love YOU!

Elise said...

Cute pictures. I love the matching pjs! Hopefully there will be lots of sunshine in your immediate future. The winter is getting pretty long here in Iowa too. What a cute comment from your mom. I think being grandparents is going to be a ball!

Heather said...

You are just great Jess! I'm sorry to hear about your Grandpa. Whenever I see him I always think how sweet he is. Hope you are doing okay!

Sarah said...

what a good wifey you are to do all that shoveling! i attempted to surprise andrew and shovel our driveway before he got home the other day, but i only got about halfway done :) better than nothing, right?

Sorry to hear about your grandpa. Isn't it so hard being far from family! Next time you're feeling lonely, call me up and we can be lonely together :)

The WALL Street Times said...

I love you all. I would like to add that the gum that Mom sent is of course full of sugar. My husband asks why does your mom send sugar gum to the home of a dentist? I just have to laugh and say honey it is only one day. My kids love it. Even if I throw the gum away when they are not looking.