William with his teacher, Ms. Soujourner. She nominated William for the Resnik Pride Award for being such a great student.
Then he got GLASSES! Jake failed his vision test at school. They made me go get a professional opinion. I decided to just take both the boys. Why not? Apparently Jake passed with flying colors. William, ummm, not so much. It was hilarious.

This morning at 7:00 A.M. I had to yank the kids from their warm beds into the cold car. It was William's FIRST swim meet.

So, kids swimming isn't as innocent as it looks. It's exhausting. James is on call. The kids were crazy. I had to volunteer for the first hour of the meet. The head lady got a little feisty with me.
It probably would have helped if someone told me what a "lane checker, somethin or other" was before I got there. I stood in my place like a stone. I made sure no one drowned. Whew.
Then I hustled Jake and Naomi in with me to watch the Bug. I found a tiny, little spot of bench by the staircase. I asked the mom sitting there if I could sit down. She just looked at me and didn't answer. Normal people would have taken that as a "no". I wasn't normal this morning. I sat down. The lady than made a rude comment about the cute Indian mom who was yelling Indian language up to her husband. The lady rudely said, "I can't stand that! This is America. Speak English." Oh, gees. What have I gotten myself into?
Then the lady's daughter was up. She lost her heat by less than a second. The mother was yelling her brains out. Finally when her daughter hit the wall last she let out a ,"oh, damnit!" Oh, gees. Then a guy told me that my daughter who was sitting in the staircase was going to get stepped on.
Get me out of here.
We cheered for the Bug. Then we got the heck out of there.
We're home.
We're exhausted.
It's been a BiG WeeK for a Big Bug!
Way to go Kid!
what the?
glasses and swim meets? do you already have a kid that old?
oh that swim meet sound night-marish. if we didn't freaking love our kids so much, there's no way we would endure those things!
gotta love other people and their fun comments. geez.....watch out for mamma bear!
Some days I wanna punch people right in the face and it takes all my strength to not.
That is a big week. Why didn't you tell me Will needed glasses? We love glasses. I am thankful that mine never takes them off. I hope Will does the same.
Love ya,
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