What a perfect birthday. William had Grandma Cheryl and Aunt Stacy, Grandma Nettie and Grandpa Geoff, Uncle David and Aunt Kristine, Uncle Joey and Aunt Ashley, and his cousins Josh, Maddie, Ty and Eliza all come in town...just for him. It was a magical weekend.
If you are at all wondering what exactly you do when you have an eight year old, I will tell you.
You just look at him. And you look really hard. At a person that once rested willingly in your arms. And you think. Really,really hard. Basically, everything you do that day will be really, really hard.
And you wonder.
So far in his life...
Could I have done better? definitely
Could I have done worse? yeah, pretty sure
I probably should have disciplined him more
I probably should have taught him how to answer the phone and make phone calls
Does he know how to make his own peanut butter and jelly sandwich? I think so. hmmm.
I should have taken him skiing more. Or camping. Or lots of things.
But I didn't.
Could I have loved him any more?
The one question I can answer with absolute surety.
I can sleep well tonight.
I have loved him with every fiber of my being. For the past eight years.
Undoubtably longer.
I love you, Bug. But you probably already know that. And that's good.
Hey, I've done one thing right.
Here's to being 8.

What kind of birthday cake is this? Are you wondering? You should be ashamed of yourself for not knowing. It's a CIRCUIT BOARD, silly. What else could it be? Uncle David and James created it lovingly...in no time at all. Not that you could tell. It has electricity wires, circuits, batteries. You know, everything you may expect to find on your regular old circuit board.
William got a real circuit board for his birthday. I found it an Amazon. Funny enough, Grandpa Geoff bought him one at Radio Shack. Who would have known besides Grandpa Geoff? I told William the other day that I had to buy it on the computer because it was so rare. He looked at me in astonishment. "You mean, you had to buy me my present on the computer? Wow, mom. I didn't know you loved me that much."
That is too tender and I am crying
Will, congrats from your Oregon couzies! We wish we could have been there to witness your baptism and be at all the fun festivities. We are so proud of you! Sam, Nance and Kids
Happy birthday bug!!! awesome kids, awesome parents, awesome cake and awesome presant!!
Congrats to William! Wow, I can't believe it either! He sure is lucky to have you as his mom. When are you moving? are you coming out this summer??? Sure miss you!
oh how i love this post!
i, too, can't believe he's 8 already, and remember visiting you RIGHT after you had him over by 9th and 9th where you lived! ah!
time flies.
i echo your sentiments...i may be doing 90% wrong, but i can say i love my kids 100%. i hope they know that!
you are amazing and such a good mom who i look up to.
i love the cake! i need to do one of those for charlie! he's circuit-board-obsessed as well!
Loves like fun. William we are proud of you! What a great choice you made. I love the circuit board cake only Will would want one. I bet it is the only one that has ever been made. Way to go James and Dave!
Bird . . . you are so awesome. I love your post. Your Will is a lucky guy to have a mom like you! I'm so glad you got to celebrate with your fam. And look at cute Joey, with that adorable baby girl. We are grown up.:) When you coming to see me?!
Love you Bird!
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