Will with his homemade archery target. He has been researching whch archery set he would like for Christmas ever since going to his first scout camp.
So James comes home and asks Will about his new friend he met at scout camp. Will replied, "yeah, we were buddies until I was assigned to the Color Guard."
"oh, cool," responds James. "How did you get chosen for that?"
"Oh, well, I just kept getting lost and didn't follow the group that well so they assigned me to some older scouts so I wouldn't get lost anymore."
I am such a great mom. I take my kids to our new library and my 3 year old chooses this book. Does this concern anybody but me?

I am trying to refinish some garage sale purchases. I found this great bookholder for the boys room. I painted it blue and sanded off some finish to make it look "pottery barnish." Williams response after a couple of days of having the new book keeper in his room. "Mom, you didn't even paint the whole thing. Some parts aren't even painted. Paint it again!"
Mom: "Will, that's the look. It is suppossed to look that way, It's cool."
Swim lessons. a few days during the other kids lessons I got in the pool and Will and I swam laps together. He showed me how to do the backstroke. "Mom, you have GOT to keep your kicks straight." "No mom. Your arms are suppossed to look like this." "Mom, your biggest problem is your kicks." "You have got to keep your tummy up, mom!"

Mooch: "mom, you can't get a coke!"
Mom: why Mooch?
Mooch: It is soooo bad for you
Mom: did daddy tell you that?
Mooch: No
Mom: who told you that it was bad for you?
Mooch: I just know mom. Don't get one!
So I ordered a Pepsi.
He asked what it was. I told him it was like Sprite.
He seemed O.K.