Sunday, April 1, 2012

James Thirty Six

His homemade birthday cake. I figured I would write the summation of his last year in three words. All three of the kids will constantly ask, "when is daddy coming home so we can wrestle?"
Jake is the best.
As soon as he gets in the car after school he grabs my cell phone and phones his dad.
"Uh, dad, when are you coming home?"
We know why he wants his dad to come home.
Jake usually hangs up the phone and announces,
"dad will be home in like 5 or 6 hours."
why does he have to remind me?

best birthday present ever...I'm such a clever wife.

We love you, Dad!
Please no comments on his receding hair line. He is very self-conscious. I told him I was going to post the picture anyway. After all, he is 36. Isn't that supposed to happen?


lbb said...

i'm laughing my brains off right now. oh my word that's ALL my boys do to sid. we JUST got back from a walk together. they hadn't seen dad all weekend and they just tackled the whole way. teasing sid that he treats our kids our kids like little bros.
i need that shirt and cake.
"5-6 hours". BLAH so get that. kill me residency. thank you very much.

Cassie said...

Three words to sum up the shirt, I love it!

Debbi said...

Happy Birthday James! Inforgot he is an old man like Wade:) my kids just start shoving Wade down when he walks in the door to wrestle.! I love the shirt, I wonder if I can find Wade a podiatry one for father's day.

allison said...

Love the shirt! you are so creative.

James is the same age as Jason and they have the same hair line. :)

Elise said...

Happy bday James! Great cake and shirt! Sometimes my kids forget I'm not Daddy and make the mistake of pouncing on me like they do him. It doesn't go over very well. Haha. I'm glad that's something Daddies can do so well.