Thursday, May 24, 2012


I admit it. I'm pathetic. Last night I realized why God gave me boys. I had just put them to bed. I went to my room to retreat in quiet. Unexpectedly, I heard a little critter fighting for its life in one of James' drawers. It kept moving ferociously as if it were trying to escape. I freaked out. I called my boys in immediately. I asked if they had played a trick on me.
They assured me that they "would NEVER do that."
I stood in the back corner of the room.
I made the boys empty out James drawers and look for the noise.
Clothes were flying everywhere.
I knew a mouse was about to jump out any second.
The boys were laughing hysterically.
It wasn't funny.
They found nothing.
They got their flashlights and inspected under and behind the dresser.
Still nothing.
It was late. They had to get to bed.
I think they actually liked being my protectors.
Well, they Loved it.
They were tough.
Come to find out later, I am pretty sure it was just the rain coming down. Our house is a little older and wasn't built the best.
Buuut...just in case you think I am not very smart, when James came home I made him listen to it. He was even stumped. It DID sound like an animal. I promise. Even my super smart husband had to think about it for a while.
So there.
Thank you my protector boys.
I'm glad you found your mothers' fear hilarious.

1 comment:

Katie Allred said...

I love your blog! It made me cry again. You are such a good mom.