Saturday, March 9, 2013

Naomi's Photo Shoot

So Naomi's Best Friends mom is a professional photographer with a studio in her basement. 
So what do cheap Mormons do?
abuse the system.
I am one of those.
She took these pictures for free.
And edited them.
And gave the images to me.
Nicer than nice.
I love her.
There are a lot more.
But these images are serious hugh quality.
They are taking forever to upload.
I guess that's what happens when you have an amazing camera.


Katie Allred said...

These are adorable! I LOVE them! And I love her outfit.

lbb said...

priceless, jess. a mom and daughter. you can never have too many photos. esp of you AND your kids together. i always wished to see more of my mom in shots.