Friday, February 26, 2010


Three little kids huddled around

So I stumbled upon this packet of evaluations concerning my husband. As I looked through the information, I realized that he had recieved all excellent marks...even from one of the toughest attendings. I went downstairs to where he was and told him exactly how I felt. No wonder I am having a hard time being a stay at home mom lately...I have never once gotten an evaluation where everybody tells me how wonderful I am. Not ONCE! I told him I was proud of him, of course, yadda, yadda, yadda, but what about me? Does anyone care about me?
(can you tell what kind of mood I was in?)
So james told me that he would evaluate me.
I thought for a minute.
Then smiled.
"Uh...that's not such a good idea," I said.
Than I started a sample eval.
"Let's see...,"
"Housecleaning: Needs Improvement"
"Laundry: Needs Improvement"
"Cooking: Satisfactory (I am pretty good at cooking holding a screaming baby in one arm"
"Creativity: Needs Improvement"
"Kids Homework: Needs Improvement"
"Car Cleanliness: Definitely Needs Improvement"
"Putting your baby to sleep without a bottle: Fail"
James cut me off....
he wrapped his arms around me and told me to stop.
Apparently he thinks I'm doing great.
Apparently he wouldn't want anyone else raising his children.
Apparently I married a REALLY, REALLY good guy.
I guess I did one thing right.


Laura said...

What a cute hubby! But I would have to say I hate that we don't get an evaluation, or any kindof praise for being a mom. Whenever Brad walks in the door I always say you know that the house was clean at 1pm today!! Since it was dirty when he left and then looks the same when he got home and I spent the WHOLE day cleaning...frustrating!!!

JoshandJen said...

You guys make such a cute couple! You are so right once again, I so wish we would get evals at least from the hubby's, it's nice to know that you are appreciated....That is funny with the previous comment from Laura, that same thing happens in our home with the cleaning thing and it is frustrating...I guess we know our kiddo's appreciate us though with every hug and kiss we get :)

Natalie said...

In friendship, I'd give you an OUTSTANDING!!

lynnette orme said...

You get an A* from your mom. I think you are all wonderful.
P.S. the car does need some work. Love, Mom

the Smedley's said...

O.K. Jessie how many times can I say it! I love you writing!

The Aamodt Family said... guys are the best and make each other even better. I would have to give you and A+!!!

Sarah C said...

I would give you an A+ rating on everything I have ever seen you do. When it really comes down to it, even if the house is not clean or dinner came from a frozen box, the most important role we play is being a mom and wife. I KNOW you are an excellent mom and wife.