Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Priesthood Buddies

I'm not quite sure what it is. But jake has a thing for going with daddy to fulfill dad's Priesthood responsibilities.
Jake has always LOVED to be James' partner when he goes home teaching. James takes him often and Jake likes just being alone with his daddy. With that said, last Sunday Jake surprised us both.
It was a two hour Preisthood meeting 40 minutes away in the evening. After three hours of church. James explained where he was going to the boys. William continued to play legos on the floor. Jake ran upstairs.
I was wondering what he was doing. I walked up to his room.
Jake was sitting on the floor pulling on his brown, khaki pants. He then proceeded to button up his white and red striped dress shirt.
"I'm going with dad," he told me.
"Jakey, it's going to be really long. You're going to get bored. Just stay home with me."
His mind was made up. He rushed downstairs to strap on his brown church shoes.
I hurriedly packed him a "lunch bunch" in his Spiderman lunch box and sent him out the door.
He smiled from ear to ear.
Just he and his dad.


James said...

Dad had a pretty big smile too.

Cassie said...

That is pretty dang cute! What a good kid! Any option to be with dad he takes!

Christine Fotheringham said...

I just came on to say what James has already said . . . what a proud dad! So cute.

Orme Family said...

It was fun talking to you today. By the way, the Blockbuster guy completely avoids me!! He runs the other way when he sees me coming! SAD! I am going to be his next door neighbor for the next 5 years.

Double A Family said...

That is one of the sweetest things I have ever heard! What a cute boy!!! Thanks for sharing!

Scott & Katie said...

I just caught up on your latest posts. You have the best blog! First of all the kids' quotes you have posted are hilarious. Secondly, I like the post about middle-aged motherhood. Everything you said is so true! It's funny when you actually sit back and think of it that way. I am excited for middle-aged motherhood...But I think I have a little ways to go. I will have 3 kids under 3 by the time June hits. Do you think if I send both Ryan and Macey to 'preschool' then I count as middle-aged? Anyway, it was good to see you the other day at Rachel's. Hope all is well!

Sarah said...

too cute!

JoshandJen said...

Very cute, he is starting off on the right foot!

Heather said...

Hi Jess! What a sweet story! You really have some cute kids!

Sarah said...

I love it, makes me want a son! Kudos to James for being such a great example!

Elise said...

How adorable. What a sweetheart.

Beth, Cody, Morgan, Pepper, Hazel said...

Such a sweet story. My dad didn't have any sons to take with him home teaching but he did take me all the time. I was such a talkative child and my dad is super shy so I think he took me along to do all the small-talk so all he had to do was the lesson. I'm excited for Morgan to help Cody with his priesthood duties when he gets a little older!
I always enjoy your conversation recaps!