I love sleeping children

I especailly love brothers sleeping together in their little twin bed. This night it looked like it was William's bed.

oh...and now it's Jake's bed. we must take turns, of course.

The perfect ending to a perfect Christmas. A seriously exciting game of LIFE with Chocolate fondue. We all went to bed sick with over indulgence to chocolate pretzels and William and dad went to bed happy. They won. But Jakey and I went to bed happy too. Cause we did our BEST!

yum, chocolate fondue...we need to do another fondue party like we did a few years ago at Elizabeths house, that was So much fun and So yummy....what a great way to spend Christmas eve....
what a fun christmas, jess.
it looks magical! i'm so glad james got that extra money, too! bonus! (moon-lighting?)
you're the best mom. i can just tell.
and, yes. i want to take my tree down right now. but my in-laws come to town today and i feel like i need to remain a tad cheery for a bit more!
miss and love your guts.
i am so excited to see what 2011 brings!!!!!!!!!!!!
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