Rough start. Uncomfortable polyester pants. Short sleeve white polo shirts. Bad combo for the Mooch. He hates both. I spent the morning drivinig around town looking for a PLAIN white long sleeve t-shirt that he could wear under the polo. He HATES short sleeves. I ran back to the school by 11:00 and had to get special permission from the principal for Jake to wear the long sleeve tee. Oh, brother. It could be a long year.
THis is the ONLY picture of mooch that I could get before school. He actually didn't even get dressed until we were all in the car.

Thanks for getting dressed Mr. 3rd grader.

After School shot of him checking on his pet snake. Making sure he made it through the day without him. You may notice Jake's long sleeve tee shirt in the after school shot, but not in the half naked morning photo. I am such a good mom.

The boys met their teachers a few days ago. They did not disappoint. Each one of the boys in their own way made their first impression. They were true to their personalities.
Jake was first. He didn't let go of me. Not once. We had discussed earlier in the day what we thought his teacher may look like. We decided on scraggly red hair and crooked teeth.
We met his teacher. Quite the opposite. As Hip as can be. Young. A Ms. not a Mrs. I tried to break the ice for Jake by telling his teacher what we thought she was going to look like. Jake smiled. But didn't comment. Again, he never left my leg. Really. My leg. His two little arms hung around my leg as if he were an ornament on a Christmas Tree. On the way out the door his teacher told him to choose a pencil and a sucker. What does Jake say for his first words. "I don't like those." Sweet. I took one.
Next was William. I mean, Will. Sorry. He walked right up and shook his teachers hand. "I have a really big goal right now. Do you want to know what it is?"
The teacher replied in the affirmative.
"I am going to travel as much of the world as a Monarch Butterfly."
"Oh, wow, replied the teacher." She looked at me. She whispered, "I don't even know how far Monarch Butterflies travel, do you?"
I shook my head. We both had an instant silent understanding of what lay ahead for this dear teacher. She turned back to Will. "So when are you going to accomplish this goal?"
"Oh, he responded, by the age of 10."
Welcome to another year my babies. I pray we all get through it together. We had better hold on tight, pray real hard, and get used to stingy, dingy, brown and blue polyester.