Saturday, September 8, 2012

Ford Visitors

do you see little Luke under the mat? He is getting so big.
Grandma Cheryl and Aunt Stacy came to visit. What fun.

make-up party (James doesn't approve)

The kids somehow found out about the Melting Pot restaurant. We called to see how much money it was. Uh, suffice it to say, we opted for making chocolate fondue at home. A Hit!

Bored???? Or just Ford's? We love creativity in this house.

Will's new favorite sport. It was amazing. The first day of camp we found out his Archery coach is also a U.S. Olympic team coach. He was even wearing his USA team shirt. Will went from the first day at hardly shooting any balloons off the target, to the last day where he got 5 bulls-eyes! He did great. We just may be off to the Olympics someday, too. 

Daddy. The greatest word ever.
Legos. The never ending legos. We have done a lot of this since Luke was born. Thanks goodness for LEGOS!

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