Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I am reading "The Miracle of Forgiveness." Just one of those must reads that I have never read.
I was just hit by a quote from Elder Boyd K. Packer.
"...Would you think me naive if I were to propsose that this battle ultimately will be won on such simple grounds as the children coming in after school to homemade bread and jam and mama there? Or on such grounds as daddy and mama taking their youngsters to sacrament meeting? Or that tender hug as they are put to bed and daddy and mama saying, "we need you in this family. You are a part of us, no mater what your troubles are, you can come home.""

WoW. O.K. O.K. a little outdated. Instead of homemade bread and jam, please insert teddy grahams and juicy juice.

Is it really that easy... I think it is.
maybe i'm not doing so bad...


Sarah said...

amen, sister! :)

I love that quote. I think every mother should print that out and frame it somewhere they see all the time!

JoshandJen said...

I have started reading that book too, I am not very far though, but that is a true quote, and it was amazing too me of how many things are in that book that apply to every day life! I think its definitely a book everyone should read. You are a great mom!!

Sarah said...

LOVE IT, can I have some teddy grahams too?

lbb said...

love that quote.
also, love your race. man. the things we do to make our kids have a fun time, even when they don't love it!
i love your picket fence and ultimately, i covet the mini v.
i dread going places...stuffed like sardines!
love you much.

Kim / Belly Button and Co. said...

jessica ford... oh...k so to make the longest story short... i was blog stalking... not really blog surfing for a friend of mine to add her to my realm of friends... i stumbled upon the east high class of 98... i was like "hmmm i know a few people from there, i shall take a gander" and low and behold there was your name... and I was like " gosh I haven't heard that name forever" well here is your blog and i hope that you do not mind if i took a peek!!!! your family is adorable!!!!! i know that gina hansen larson would love to take a glance at your cute fam... if that is okay!!!!! gosh... hope things are going well for you guys!!! say hello to james and take care.... kim pack cracroft!

lori said...

I love that. Thanks for the reminder. How are you all doing. I love the glamorous dinner. Have a great day!

lori said...

P.S. your little girl grew up too fast. She is adorable.

Ed & Natasha said...

Just in case you didn't see or hadn't heard.....Toys R Us 30% off all Lego sets right now. (I think for all of Oct.) I know how much you love a good bargain, and how much those cute boys want Legos....so I thought I would pass it along, just in case.

Orme Family said...

Just wanted to say....
I can't wait to see you!!! I am totally getting stoked. Let's get crazy hyper on the strip! Ha, ha