Saturday, October 16, 2010


James had to run into work at the last minute. I was left to handle the kids... but I wanted to take William to Dick's. You know, the sporting goods store. So I took all of them. We rushed to the swim goggle section and tried a few pair on. William settled on the white and blue pair.
As I was rushing towards the cashier, my kids took off in another direction. I heard them rough housing and goofing around. As I was heading towards them, I overheard a guy say, "there are kids over there goofing off. just stay by me." It was obvious he didn't want his soon to be star athlete son goofing off with "those" kids. I couldn't resist.
I backed up and caught that guy in his tracks. I glanced at him. Then made eye contact. Seriously good eye contact. It seemed like forever. I wasn't about to look away. He was shocked. He knew I heard him. It wasn't just what he said, it was the way he said it. I smiled. He didn't. Of course his kid wasn't goofing off. Probably because the mom was at home taking care of the others while he had this "I'm such a great father taking my kid to Dick's" thing going on. Sorry, Sir. But I'm an even better mom because I brought all of my kids with me. So don't mess with me. I could feel the tension and he finally walked away. I was satisfied. We bought the goggles.
P.S. You can't tell that I am insecure and bitter, can you?


JoshandJen said...

Love it! Way to go Jessie! I have had this happen many, many times, like every time I go into a store with all of my kids, which is alot..I loved that you stared him down, your an awesome mom!

lbb said...

thanks for the laugh at loud.
love the title of this post.
so darn appropriate.
oh, and i'm always "that mom" with the stares. i eat it right up.

Ash and Joe said...

that is such a cute picture of the boys!!! do you think i could twist your arm to take some pics of us this weekend???