Saturday, October 30, 2010


All I can say is...I'm Glad it's OVER!

School Halloween Parade (I even got to be in it!)

Counting the Loot


lynnette orme said...

You all look wonderful. I wish I could have been there. Jessie, we are a lovely witch==where is the spider ring?

JoshandJen said...

your kiddo's looked great in their costumes, loved the mummy and cute witch costume, how fun! We missed you at trunk or treat, I asked James where you were, I dont talk or see you for a week or so and it seems like forever!!

David and Rachel said...

Everyone looked great, especially you! Maybe next year I will dress up too, but no promises. I just don't know how the sap you got your pictures up so quickly! I am way too tired to even think about putting mine on my blog right now. Happy Halloween Ford Family!!

Natalie said...

WHOA! Jake has a great haul. I will come and help him eat all the chocolate candy bars he got! LOVE the costumes. Looks like it was a spooky Halloween for your family.

ps- i am waiting by the phone

lbb said...

Amen to Halloween being over!
I wore those same tights on Halloween! Wahoo!
That mummy is a crack-up and a simple brilliant idea!
That note is cracking me up! What a kid! He is already dialed in!
Watch out world!
xo. boyer

Christine Fotheringham said...

You make a very cute witch . . . do those tights have Nettie written all over them or what?! I can see how this whole Halloween thing can be exhausting. Hey, atleast it wasn't a total down pour the night of trick or treating. What a disaster!

The Johnson Family said...

Loving the tights Jessie! Where did you get those? I want a pair! Your kids are getting so big! Naomi reminds me of pictures of you when you were that little--so fun! She is so cute!