Sunday, May 9, 2010

Divine Intervention

I just wanted to write briefly about our experience getting into a fellowship so I won't ever forget it.
About a year ago, James was struggling with the decision on whether to go into Pediatric Emergency Medicine or Pediatric Hematology/Oncology. As he was struggling, my mind kept racing back to the three years of medical school applications we did. All I remember him saying was "I want to help people, I want to help people." I think his official wording also was, "I want to establish, caring, lasting relationships with my patients."
I reminded him of this. It was obvious that the lifestyle and good pay of the ER were enticing, but his true dream and goal of which he started out with, would take a back seat to the bump and grind of a busy ER where he wouldn't see many of his patients again.
He told me of an experience he had one day at the hospital where it just hit him. He was walking away from the Hem/Onc floor and it hit him like a ton of bricks. That's where he wanted to be. He never doubted since.
After a year of applications/interviews, and lots and lots of money, we are going to end up in Denver, Colorado. We couldn't be more thrilled. It was our first choice and closer to family. But, I must say, we would not be going there without Divine Intervention.
Last December, James started the application process. We never heard back from Denver. He called. All of the interviews has been sent out. We didn't receive one. We continued the process. I kept feeling at complete peace that we would go where we were supposed to. We did a couple of last ditch interviews and spent a lot of money, but inside me I knew we didn't need to...for some reason. But we like to be safe.
One afternoon in March, I received a call from Denver Children's hospital. The lady asked if I thought my husband would still be interested in an interview. I started crying. I paged him and told him to call her that very second. He did.
We were a back-up plan for Denver. But we would take it.
James flew out to interview. He called me later that day. "This has been the best interview I have ever had."
I cried again. Could it really happen? I was still in doubt.
James happened to have something in common with each of his interviewers.
He stayed an extra day (I kindof made him...I know, I was inspired too, ha ha) and he asked if he could tour the lab and meet some more people the next morning before his flight home. They were impressed.
He even went to a meeting with the staff the next morning.
We never really talked about it. It was just too exciting to think about. We didn't want to be let down. We just thought of our other options. We prayed. We fasted. We wanted the right matter where that place would be.
The news came Wednesday, May 5 at noon. I picked up the phone.
"Denver" That's all he said. I started crying...again.
"Are you crying," he asked ?
"I am too, but I can't talk. They are waiting for me."
I hung up the phone.
I called my mom at school.
She was teaching.
She picked up the phone and whispered softly so her students wouldn't know she was talking in class.
"Denver," I said.
She started crying. I was crying.
We can't wait to be closer. $99 roundtrip. Holy Smokes!
It has to beat $350.


Andrea said...

Jessie- Congratulations!! I am SO jealous! That was my first choice too when we were looking for a job last year. Prescott, AZ is a great place to live too so I can't complain but Denver would be even better! Wow. That is SO awesome!! I'm so happy for you! Andrea

nikki said...

Congratulations! You are slowly making your way back to Utah.

Aaron said...

Congratulations! We are so glad it all worked out. We are going to Washington in July to look for a job in a General Peds clinic in the Tri-Cities area. Had to laugh about the soccer thing... Jacob has absolutely hated soccer :( Hope all is well.

Christine Fotheringham said...

Congrats Bird and James. That is such a heart-warming story . . . I am so happy for you guys.

Heitmann Family said...

I don't know if you remember our family or not but I stalked your blog from Rob and Corrina Andersons. Hope that is ok!! Anyways now that I have divulged my trespass I want to say CONGRATS!!! I know that feeling of being led to a place that is right for you. Ryan is in the process of applying for a fellowship in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility (say that 5 times fast or just say REI!!). Our whole med school, residency and now fellowship application process has been that way. It must feel so good to have it all done and to know where you are going. I am excited for you guys!!
Aimee Heitmann