Aunt Stacy came to celebrate Naomi's birthday and babysit our kids so James and I could have a hot date. Thanks Aunt Stacy.

Scout got a Kitchen for her birthday. So cute.

Well, she is actually, TWO. But, she is also:
Well, she is actually, TWO. But, she is also:
TOO funny. Whenever her brothers laugh, she looks at both of them, picks up that something is funny and starts laughing hysterically.
TOO chocolate crazed. My aunt Marilyn once told me that when I was little I used to hide in the closet and eat chocolate. Naomi must have inherited my genes. She will do anything for chocolate. Even get in her car seat...most of the time. I keep a bag of Hershey kisses in the car.
TOO crazy. No fear. Like most two year olds. It comes with the age. Just like how I am 30. I have no energy. Typical. She can't sit still, I can't get up. Perfect combination.
TOO independent. Holy Smokes, this girl wants to do everything on her own. Except she makes me feed her. It drives me crazy. I chase her around the house putting little bites of food into her little mouth every few minutes. Did I mention, every meal? Yeah, I dread breakfast time, lunch time and dinner time.
TOO cute. She smiles at you with her unkept hair, naked bum and dirty t-shirt. Even like that, she is adorable. At least to her mom.
TOO big! She puts up her thumb and pointer finger and says, "2". I love her. I love her. I love her.
Did I mention that I love her?
Happy Happy Birthday Naomi, Scout, Prince and Babers.
Um can I say martha stewart? The fact you are shaping/frosting these darn cute shaped cakes is more than enough! Wowsers.
Darling Naomi. She and I love the chocolate!
Did I tell you (again) how pumped I am tat you are going to Denver? What a great fit.
Love you bird.
We love little scout!! Happy birthday to her! And what do you mean dont judge you, that cake is stinking awesome Jessie, way to go!! Doesn't it stink bigtime when you hit 30 your engergy has just been sucked out of you, they need to find a safe miracle drug to help mothers, I need to it just to keep after wade...he does that whole eating thing too, because he can't sit longer than 2 seconds at a time...
She's a cutie. Her new kitchen is awesome! Someday I want a pink kitchen... I think you did a great job with her cake!
happy birthday to cute little naomi! i think that cake looks awesome and what a cute kitchen. much better than eleanor's cheapie walmart special kitchen haha.
Oh-the kitchen is fabulous. I forgot to ask about it. The cake is adrling also. So glad it was a fun birthday and thatStacy was there to celebrate. I love you all. Mom
Happy Birthday Naomi! I love your kitchen. I am working on fixing up our old kitchen that you and I had Jess. I hope Naomi will love it since I know my boys won't. But the kitchen needs to go in my ladybug room.
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