1. Saturday morning as I was feverishly trying to do a little "getting my house ready to put on the market" William decided to take every single piece of paper in the house, every single plastic cup and a roll of packing tape to concoct numerous floating vessels. He proceeded to the bathroom tub to experiment. Which boats had the most buoyancy. During this time I was thinking about what a great mom I am, I mean, I was letting him use his imagination and brain power to the extent where I didn't intervene ONCE to tell him NO. I just thought about how creative and imaginative my little boy was. How proud.
Until I heard a strange sound coming from the kitchen. A puddle of water. Streaming from a rather large crack in the kitchen ceiling. I ran upstairs. The bathroom was basically flooded. And the kitchen sits right underneath the experimental boat dock. Sweet. Now I will add "fix kitchen ceiling to my list of "getting our house ready to sell." But hey, William had a great morning!
2. I decided we all needed a break from our house after the ceiling incident. Considering that I personally was ready to "take a hike," I decided that that was exactly what we should do.

Again, what a great mom I am, I thought. We set off on a 1.2 mile hike. Wow, that fresh air sure felt great. Until William had a breakdown. Apparently Jake had taken a step ahead of him. Apparently William wanted to be the leader of the hike. It took about 20 minutes for everyone to forget about who was the leader of the hike.

3. Oh, let's not forget the cat in heat. Yeah, that's right. My princess. She has been meowing constantly. Oftentimes on all fours. It's actually a pretty good system she has worked out. She has quite a few different meow tones. "meeeeoWWWW,' for angry kitty, "meeeoooowww," for nice kitty, "MEOW" for you're not listening to me kitty, and MeOWwmeowMeOw with her paw reaching for the I want a cookie kitty. I've got it down.

The next day.
The next day.
4. Church was a complete nightmare. I left Sacrament meeting with three incredibly insane children. At one point I was sitting in a small room, eyes glazed over, exhausted, wondering why in the world my husband chose his beloved profession, watching three nicely dressed children in a huge huddled mass of wrestling on the floor. I remember clearly thinking, "how in the world did I get to this place?" I would probably still be sitting there in a state of incoherence had not another mother of severely disruptive children barged into the room, took one look at the situation and burst into laughter. I cracked. I started laughing too.

So today we decided to take another hike. Why not?
So today we decided to take another hike. Why not?
And how can we forget the haircut incident. After today, I think he has finally succumb to the idea that we may be paying $15 a month for his haircut. I think it might really cut down on his stress load. This just proves how incredibly exhausted he is.
So he first cut the big square shaped divot, and than tried for another 30 minutes trying to fix the divot. Success? You dicide. I actually think he is a little nervous to report to the PICU tomorrow at 6:00 A.M. At least he's just a resident.

And than I pulled out some new jammies. They are their Fall jammies. Their Goodbye to Summer jammies. They are their Thank goodness for school jammies. Sleep tight my young ones.
And than I pulled out some new jammies. They are their Fall jammies. Their Goodbye to Summer jammies. They are their Thank goodness for school jammies. Sleep tight my young ones.
Goodbye Labor Day weekend.
Oh my goodness, william sure is creative with the whole bathroom incident, I would have died though..We love to do hikes, so let us know if you want to go sometime! I am sorry you had a rough Sunday, we did too, as soon as I got in the door from church I posted about it on facebook, all 5 kids were out of control at church and totally exploded by the time we got home, huge fights tears and all, it was just not a good day all around. So did James cut his own hair??? I was trying to think of something creative he could turn the box patch into, but nothing is coming to me...but maybe the kids at the hospital will think its funny :)
I love the kids pj's way cute!! like I always say, you are an awesome mom!
I love it. Seriously cracks me up.
I am so glad that you have weekends like us and you can laugh about it. I am learning to not sweat the small stuff. Cole said to be yesterday as he was wrestling at soccer. Mom, "it's what boys do." I guess we have to let the boys by boys and the girl and let them wrestle. James- I love the haircut. When we were in dental school, Chuck had a FLowbee and cut his own hair. He never cut it like you though. Have a great week.
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