K2 stands for where we are this year. K=Kindergarten, 2=Second Grade.
William sported a light blue shirt. I actually really like having school uniforms. It is sooo easy. Oh yeah. And big news. At the start of Kindergarten, we told Jake it was against the Kindergarten rules to not wear underwear, so for the first time in about 18 months, Jake is wearing underroos! Yipee!

Naomi had to be in every picture. It is so nice to have a daughter that never lets you forget that she is in your family. Thanks Babes.
So, actually not so sad this year. I mean, Jake was more than ready to face the world, William a little hesitant, and mom and Nomers, well, we were just us, I guess.
Of course, being Ford's, we were a tad late the first day. But we made it. We took William to class first and he seemed fairly hesitant. He turned to me a few times to make sure we were still there. After he found his seat, we kissed him and went off to Jake's room. Down the Hall. Jake walked in fairly confidant. So was I. We kissed, and he went to find a seat. But I grabbed him and kissed him again. He just looked so cute in his "blues."
The day went on. After spending $200 at Costco and feeling sick to my stomach, it was time to brace the heat and head to school. William is now so big that he no longer comes out the side of the building with the younger grades. He files through the front doors with all the big kids, bullies, and who knows who. I couldn't watch him. I looked for him through the crowded playground and saw my little boy running at full speed through the crowd. I stuck my arms up in the air as far as I could reach and called to that little critter. He caught my eyes and ran right into my arms. He was safe.
Next we looked for the Mooch. His class must have been having a great time becasue it seemed like FOREVER for them to come out. I finally saw his teacher emerge from the doorway and than saw my middle child huddled together with his class wiaitng for parents to come and retrieve their little people. I walked slowly up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist and let out a "boo." He turned around as fast as he could, wrapped his little blue long sleeves around my neck and I kissed him all over. He was grinning from ear to ear. I could tell, at that moment, that this may just be a good year afterall.
It's been three days.
This morning I caught myself pulling into Circle K to retrieve my $.63 Coca Cola fountain drink. As I looked back at my little princess smiling in the back, I found myself saying in my mind, "please Heavenly Father, please watch over my precious babies at school."
With my continuous prayer running through my mind, my Coke in my hand and my baby in the back, I sped down the street to go spend some of daddy's money. This was going to be a GREAT year.
Hooray for the Fords! Let the school year begin! We miss our cousins. Just had a nice talk about you guys this morning. Wished we had you here to jump on the tramp with us.
Naomi's hair is so cute in these pictures! Great story...love it!
Happy 1st day of school. I love you all. Hope you learn lots and listen more. We know you will do great!
You crack me up. I'm so glad it's going well.
And I'm glad we are wearing underwear. For us, it's shirts around here. Jack always needs to show his muscles.
Naomi is such a doll and just truly gorgeous.
I just spent 2 hundy at Costco the other day too. About puked. All on toilet paper, pull ups, wipes, etc. The coupons made me do it!
Love you and am so lucky to be your friend.
Oh! the first day of school I am praying for all our little darlings. Wish we could be there for each and every one. I didn't even get out to see Jack and Cole. Hope this is a great year. William looks so grown up--like a little man. Love, Nettie
You kids are HUGE. When did that happen? I love reading your blogs because they don't make me want to throw up. They are real and I love it. Why did we only get 1 year to get to know eachother? At least I can stalk you on your blog...
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