James had the foresight to use this as one of his weeks off. Wow! What a planner.
Thanks Daddy.
Holy Smokes! They have a Legoland Discovery center 20 minutes from Grandma's house. Besides seeing Grandma and Grandpa, this was the highlight of the trip.

This was hilarious...James was trying to make everybody smile because he thought it would be a great Christmas card...I think it was a failure. Sorry, honey. Good Try.

Quite a success. Oh, except for:
my nearly two day migraine (almost puking in their parking plaza and being a little grumpy)
missing toll roads (a lot of them)(we are still waiting for the tickets to start rolling in)
a 9 hour drive home that was supposed to take only 6 hours. pouring rain. bald tires. need I say more?
a flat tire on the freeway...
call AAA
wait as I hold the grumpy freshly woken kids in my lap squished on the front seat
fix the tire
continue driving home
our gas light goes on
we just kept driving
we made it.
We Love you Chicago...actually we just love our Grandma and Grandpa.
Thanks for letting us come visit!
That place looks awesome, I bet Jake and William were in heaven, and I am glad that Justin is not the only little kid addicted to coke :) I am glad you got to go somewhere, but I am sorry you had a migrane!
Uncle Chuck would like Will and Jake to get busy building a Dr. Tooth for his office. It is awesome.
Sad we didn't get to see you while you were here in Chi town! We'll have to come see you in OH!
Your kids are getting so big! So cute!
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