James is in Iowa on an interview. I do great for about 24 hours. Than I start to notice my patience slipping silently into thin air.
At about 3:30 I told the kids not to follow me. I was going to go to the bathroom all by myself. ( I was really going to kneel down on the side of the porcelain pot that is home to some of my most desperate pleas to my Father in Heaven.
They were dragging themselves behind me.
I tried to ascend the staircase but I found myself staring blankly at the worn, gross, needed to be vacuumed light tan carpeted stairs. I had two sets of tiny arms flung around my neck begging me to let them join me on the potty. I thought in that moment. A blessing. I knew it. But tired.
I made it.
Their little bodies are resting quietly in their beds. I just read a quote from President Hinckley telling us that we cannot raise these children on our own. We must call upon the powers of Heaven. It works.
You will make it. I will make it.
And we will most inevitably miss these precious days.
The days with tiny arms wrapped around our necks begging for our attention.
In 30 years I will be begging them for theirs.
I understand and feel your pain and that same power that gets me through!!!
i love the update, jess. easter looks fun and chicago, well, it's just good you got away with kids. sometimes isn't it just so hard to travel? oh and your post about the kids following you. wow. is that me or is that me? can i just pee alone, please? i so relate. it's hard. real hard. you're like me...i keep saying, "in 30 years they won't want me to give them yet another tuck in bed!"...so i do it. not always whole-heartedly, though.
keep it up. thinking of you and feeling your pain (and intermittent joy!)...boyer
I feel you as well, especially lately, I am just so overwhelmed and exhausted from 3 hours of sleep a night, I think prayrs and the hugs nd kisses from the kids get me through it day to day....
"My yoke is easy and my burden light" takes on a whole different meaning as a young mother. You are doing all the right things; making memories and building testimony. I know you are doing well. Love, Mom
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