This Summer, my ultimate, absolute goal, was to immerse (and I mean, immerse) my kids in the sport of swimming. Knowing that they have never been exposed for a continuous time to a swimming pool, I decided that this was the year. The only public, affordable pool I could find is 25 minutes each way. Worth every dollar of gas.
For four weeks this Summer, we have spent 2-4 hours each day at the pool.
This particular pool, has a few very particular rules.
1. You CANNOT hang on, climb on, or hardly touch the handrail. We have heard the whistle blow numerous times in our direction as my 5 and 2 year old swing merrily from the silver, metal bar.
2. No boogie boards. Too big. William was devastated. Oh, well.
3. No throwing your children. I have had numerous whistle blows for breaking this insane rule. I mean, it's a pool. Aren't you supposed to throw your children? It's actually the only time when it is not only legal, but also an exhilarating experience for both parent and child.
4. Oh, and the BIGGEST, BADDEST rule that must NEVER be broken. You must NEVER, and I mean NEVER go down the slide until you pass the SWIM TEST!
All Summer, we haven't even actually thought about the swim test. not this year. I mean, we just aren't there yet.
Yesterday William told me he wanted to take the swim test. I didn't think he was serious. I said, "oh, honey, we'll do that next year. it is really hard."
"No, mom. I can do it."
Alright, this SWIM TEST is swimming the length of the pool, no stopping, no touching the bottom, freestyle, perfect swimming to the other side. I didn't even know William COULD swim.
He kept begging me and I just kept blowing him off. Finally, I just figured it would be a great experience. He would try it and see how hard it was and that would be that. I figured, well, if he wants to, what the heck?
We had to wait until safety break to take the test. The pool had to be completely clear of people.
I was a nervous wreck. I seriously felt like I wanted to throw up. Holy smokes, I thought it was hard when I was nervous about doing something brave, and now, I realize, it is ten times worse when it is the love of your life, your child.
Jake, Nomers and I went around to the other side of the pool to cheer William on. I watched him slide his orange googles into place and hold the side of the pool with his scraggly, 7 year old arms. I was sick.
He started swimming. What the heck. He's actually swimming. Freestyle and all. I was in shock. He kept swimming. And swimming. He is already halfway across the pool. By this point, I am screaming wildly for my little boy to pass the test. People around me, I am sure, think that I am taking this way too seriously. I scream louder and louder. Holy smokes! His little arm reached up and grabbed the wall. Tears came to my eyes.
He pulled all 50 pounds of him out of the pool. I wrapped my arms around his little body and sqeezed him as hard as I could. I kissed him all over! "You passed. You passed!"
He grinned from ear to ear! "You really think I passed?"
"Of course you passed. You swam the whole way. You didn't touch the ground once!"
We walked over to the official 16 year old swim instructor for the final say.
"I'm sorry sweetie, but I cannot pass you. It looks like your arms didn't come completely out of the water for the last little bit. You must have just been tired."
William was crushed. He held back his dissapointment and just squuezed my hand. I squeezed it back, and then turned to the innocent 16 year old, "are you joking me? What is this, some professional swim test?"
The 16 year old didn't answer and we just walked away.
I started ranting about how cheap and unfair it was. William caught me off guard.
"don't worry mom. I'll just try again tomorrow."
And tomorrow he did. And this time...he PASSED!
I was screaming just as loud. Just as proud. And William squeeled so loud, turned to me, and gave me the best five five in the history of the world!
They put the official "wristband" on his hand, wrote his name in the official, "you can go down the slide book" and the smiles were endless.
I love the public pool. The 25 minute away public pool. I love it very much.
OK, seriously, I am crying. That was so tender! What a sweet boy. I LOVE that story. Today we were in OLd Navy and I was asking the worker a question and Hallie came running up mom, mom, mom. I ignored her but she persisted, EXCUSE me mom, Jessie and William are up there! She was so excited and I had to look twice. There was a woman and a little boy and they looked exactly like you. I knew it couldn't be you, but I had to get closer. We realized that it wasn't you and we were both really sad. Wish it could have been you. Oh, by the way, love the pee story. That was funny!
We are actually die hard swimmers out here in TEXAS it's to hot to do anything else, But we travel to differnt pools around and EVERY single one KADEN HAS to take the swim test. Not because they say but because he loves to so much, we are working on getting him on the swim team.
Way to go William!
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