Monday, March 15, 2010

My Day

I woke up to a crying baby who wanted nothing but to be held by an extremely tired mother. Unfortunately, her four year old brother wanted the exact same thing. "I can't hold you both," I sternly spoke as I weaved down the stairs having two crying children hanging from my different limbs. I knew it was going to be a long day. I was already losing my cool.
Naomi never really stopped crying. Ever. She wanted this, that, this, this. I guess sometimes it wasn't crying, it was more like whining...or screaming.
We got through the day. I even took the kids to the library to check out some books. Wow! What a great mom! You would think.
We came home and I tried to hide myself on the couch while I turned on the T.V. and hoped that Naomi wouldn't bother me by pulling at my hair or crying. It worked...for about ten minutes. Hey, I'll take it.
I ripped off the wrappers of three lunchables and placed them on the table. "Dinner's ready," I called out. Wow! What a NOT great mom!
I told William to go do his homework. He yelled at me. Then he told me that he hates my choices. He wonders, as he is yelling why I have to always win. Why he always has to do what I say...among other things.
I told him I couldn't wait until he became a dad so his son could be as mean to him as he was being to me. (I had lost it, can you tell?") He was sent to his room to finish his homework.

I thought I might need to exercise.

I slying went down in the basement and turned on an episode of the Office while I pedaled out my frustration. It lasted a few minutes. Before I knew it, I had three kids hanging off of me as I was pedaling. Fine, I thought. Just be that way. Oh, Naomi actually wanted to be held. So I picked her up because I couldn't handle the whining for one more minute and continued to peddle. William was literally strangling me by hanging on my back with his hands around my neck. Jake was blocking my view of the show by hanging off the front. I kept telling myself, "I'm just living the dream."
I talked to my sister. She told me to start spraying water in Naomi's face every time she screamed. Should I? Then I talked to my brother. I told him what my kids were doing. He had one piece of advice. (oh, this brother does not have kids yet...his wife is due any day...I can't wait) He told me that maybe I should try discipline. I almost hung up the phone before I told him I loved him. But I didn't.
"I'm just living the dream" "I'm just living the dream"
The irony.
I really am, unequivocally, "Living the Dream.'

P.S. Did I mention James isn't coming home tonight?


David and Rachel said...

Oh my word. And then there is that annoying neighbor of yours who came over and dumped all of her drama on you. I am so sorry that I added more chaos to your chaotic day Jessie and you should have told to hit the road. You are without a doubt a great mom and I know for sure that Heavenly Father is going to reward you big time for your patience. Hang in there! TOFW is a little over a month away!

Ash and Joe said...

i was so embarressed when i heard joe say that to you. no worries, i have seen him loose it in front of our nursey kids. maybe that was why we were just released... oh our time will come. maybe i could stand to have this baby inside of me a bit longer :)

JoshandJen said...

Jessie, you are a trooper, an amazing mom, wife and one of the greatest friends I have! I was so happy to meet you yesterday for bagels, it appears to be drama everywhere we look, will it ever end, or at least slow down...probably not in my case, I know you how feel, Rachel is right, Heavenly Father has some big blessings in store for you!

Sarah said...

what a lousy day. you really are super woman/mom... i'm pretty sure I would have gone upstairs and locked myself in my room! please let naomi come scream and whine at my house next time, i think eleanor could use a run for her money :)

Liz said...

Jess, Love this post...don't we all feel that way sometimes? I especially love the Lunchable dinner!!!! love Ya